Post Doc.
Dr. Seongbeom Kim
-B.S. at KAIST (2004)
-M.S. at KAIST (2006)
-Ph.D. at KAIST (2012)
Professional Career
-Visiting Researcher/Universtiy at Buffalo, State University of New York. (2010.09 ~ 2011.02)
-Researcher, KIER. (2012.02 ~ 2013.02)
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Ulsan National Insitute of Science and Technology, Ulsan, Korea (2013.03 ~ 2014.11)
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, the University at Buffalo, New York, the United State of America (Prof. Mark.T.Swihart) (2014.12 ~ 2015.08)
-Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Design Engineering, Kangwon National University, Samcheok-si Gangwon-do, Korea (2015.09 ~ present)
-Research field: Organic-inorganic solar cells, organic electronics, fabrication of nanoparticles using laser and plasma, laser processing
Dr. Bright J. Walker
-B.S. at University of California, Berkeley (2003)
-Ph.D. at University of California, Santa Barbara (2012)
Professional Career
-Research Assistant / Metrologist, ZMS, LLC. (2003 ~ 2004)
-Research Scientist, DuraFizz, LLC. (2004 ~ 2005)
-Research Scientist, ICBM, LLC. (2005 ~ 2006)
-Intern, National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2010)
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (2011 ~ 2018.02)
-Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Kyung Hee University, Korea (2018.03 ~ present)
-Research field: Solar cells and thin film field-effect transistors using organic, inorganic, and hybrid organic-inorganic semiconductors
Dr. Junghoon Lee
-B.S. at Gyoungsang National University, chemistry (2010)
-Ph. D. at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) (2011~ 2017)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of California, Santa Barbara (2015.09 ~ 2016.08)
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (2016.09 ~ 2018.02)
-Assistant Professor, Department of Advanced Materials & Chemical Engineering, Dongseo University, Korea (2018.03 ~ present)
-Research field: Polymer solar cells
Prof. Jien Yang
-B.S. at Henan University, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (2003 ~ 2007)
-M.S. and Ph.D at Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences(ICCAS)(2007 ~2012)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Nanyang Technological University, School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering(2012.07 ~ 2013.08)
-Lecturer, Henan Normal University, School of Physics and Materials Science(2013.09 ~ 2019.08)
-Associate Professor, Henan Normal University, School of Material Science and Enginerring(2019.09 ~ Current)
-Visiting Researcher, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology(2021.01 ~ 2021.12 )
-Research field: Perovskite Solar Cells, Organic Synthesis
Dr. Sungwook Park
-Ph.D. Physics at Pukyong National University (2009 ~ 2013)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Pukyong National University, Pusan, Korea (2013 ~ 2017)
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Italian Institute of Technology, Genova, Italy (2017 ~ 2019)
-Associate Researcher, Italian Institute of Technology, Genova, Italy (2019 ~ 2020)
-Research Professor, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea (2020 ~ 2021)
-Research Professor, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Ulsan, Korea (2021 ~ present)
-Research field: Materials Synthesis, Solar Cells, Light Emitting Diodes
Ph. D.
Dr. Hyosung Choi
-B.S. at Pusan National University, Organic material Science & Engineering (2003 ~ 2007)
-M.S. at GIST, Materials Science & Engineering (2007 ~ 2009)
-Ph.D. at UNIST, Energy Engineering (2010 ~ 2013)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Center for Polymers and Organic Solids, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, US (Prof. A. J. Heeger) (2014.03 ~ 2015.02)
-Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea (2015.03 ~ present)
-Research field: Polymer solar cells, Hybrid solar cells
Dr. Seo-Jin Ko
-B.S. at Jeonbuk National University, Environmental chemical engineering (2009)
-Combined Master’s-Doctoral Program (2010 ~ 2015.08)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Center for Polymers and Organic Solids, UCSB, University of California, Santa Barbara (Prof. A. J. Heeger) (2015.09 ~ 2016.08)
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry University of California, Santa Barbara (Prof. Thuc-Quyen Nhuyen) (2016.09 ~ 2019)
-KRICT, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (2019 ~ present)
-Research field: Polymer solar cells, polymer light-emitting diodes
Dr. Myoung Hee Yun
-B.S. at Chungbuk National University, Industrial engineering chemistry (2009)
-M.S. at UNIST (2011)
-Docteral Program (2011 ~ 2015)
Professional Career
-Researcher at UNIST (2016)
-Research field: Polymer solar cells, hybrid solar cells, thin film field-effect transistors
Dr. Gi-Hwan Kim
-B.S. at Kum oh National Institute of Technology, polymer engineering (2009)
-Combined Master’s-Doctoral Program (2009 ~ 2014)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Tronto, Toronto, Canada (Prof. Edward. H. Sargent) (2015)
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (2016 ~ 2018)
-KOPTI, Korea Photonics Technology Institute (2018 ~ 2019)
-Assistant Professor, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Gyeongsang National University, Korea (2020 ~ present)
-Research field: Colloidal quantum dot solar cells, thin film field-effect transistors
Dr. Taehyo Kim
-B.S. at Dong-A University, Biology engineering (2010)
-Combined Master’s Doctoral Program (2011 ~ 2018.02)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation of Australia, Flexible Electronics Laboratory (2018.03 ~ 2019.8)
-KITECH, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (2019.8 ~ present)
-Research field: Polymer solar cells, polymer light-emitting diodes
Dr. Jungwoo Heo
-Undergraduate Research Assistant (2011.04 ~ 2012.08)
-B.S. at UNIST, Energy Conversion & Storage / Nanochemical Science (2009 ~ 2012)
-Combined Master’s-Doctoral Program (2012 ~ 2019)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (2019)
-Samsung Electro-Mechanics (2019 ~ present)
-Research field: Materials synthesis, Optics simulation
Dr. Jaeki Jeong
-B.S. at Pusan National University, Physics (2010)
-M.S. at Pusan National University, Physics (2012)
-Doctoral Program (2013 ~ 2019)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (2019)
-Post-doctoral researcher, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland (2020 ~ 2023)
-Assistant Professor, Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University (2023 ~ present)
-Research field: Perovskite solar cells
Dr. Hak-beom Kim
-B.S. at Hongik University, Ceramic engineering (2005 ~ 2011)
-Researcher (2011 ~ 2012)
-Combined Master’s-Doctoral Program (2012 ~ 2019)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (2019)
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation of Australia, Flexible Electronics Laboratory (2019.11 ~ 2020.12)
- KIER, Korea Institute of Energy Research(2020.12 ~ present)
-Research field: Perovskite solar cells
Dr. Song Yi Park
-B.S. at University of Ulsan, Dept. of Physics (2009 ~ 2012)
-Ph.D. at UNIST, Energy Engineering (2013 ~ 2020)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Imperial College London (2020 ~ 2022)
-LG Display (2023 ~ 2024)
-Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Pukyong National University (2024 ~ present)
-Research field: Organic solar cells, Organic photodetectors
Dr. Tack Ho Lee
-B.S. at UNIST, Energy Conversion & Storage / Device Physics (2010 ~ 2013)
-Ph.D. at UNIST, Energy Engineering (2013 ~ 2020)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Imperial College London (2020 ~ 2022)
-Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Materials, Pusan National University (2023 ~ present)
-Research field: Organic solar cells and organic solar fuels
Dr. Hye Rim Yeom
-B.S. at Chungbuk National University, Industrial engineering chemistry (2006 ~ 2010)
-Combined Master’s-Doctoral Program (2011 ~ 2020)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (2020)
-Research field: Organic solar cells
Dr. Na Gyeong An
-Undergraduate Research Assistant (2013.03 ~ 2014.02)
-B.S. at UNIST, Nanochemical science / Chemical Engineering (2010 ~ 2013)
-Combined Master’s-Doctoral Program (2014 ~ 2020)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Ulsan National Insitute of Science and Technology, Ulsan, Korea(2021.03 ~ 2022.01 )
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (2022.02 ~ present)
-Research field: Polymer solar cells, Small Molecule solar cells
Dr. Yung Jin Yoon
-Undergraduate Research Assistant (2011.09 ~ 2014.02)
-B.S. at UNIST, Energy Conversion & Storage / Nanochemical science (2010 ~ 2013)
-Combined Master’s-Doctoral Program (2014 ~ 2020)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Ulsan National Insitute of Science and Technology, Ulsan, Korea(2021.03 ~ 2022.07)
-Research Scientist, Coring Precision Materials, Asan, Korea (2022.08.~present)
-Research field: Materials synthesis, Colloidal quantum dot solar cells
Dr. Jae Won Kim
-Undergraduate Research Assistant (2013.07 ~ 2015.02)
-B.S. at UNIST, Energy Conversion & Storage / Chemical Engineering (2010 ~ 2014)
-Combined Master’s-Doctoral Program (2015 ~ 2022)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Ulsan National Insitute of Science and Technology, Ulsan, Korea(2022.03 ~ present)
-KRICT, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (2023.9 ~ Present)
-Research field: Polymer solar cells, hybrid solar cell
Dr. Yun Seop Shin
-Undergraduate Research Assistant (2015.03 ~ 2017.02)
-B.S. at UNIST, Energy / Chemical Engineering (2013 ~ 2017)
-Combined Master’s-Doctoral Program (2017 ~ 2023.02)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Ulsan National Insitute of Science and Technology (Prof. Dong Suk Kim), Ulsan, Korea(2023.03 ~ present)
-Research field: Perovskite Light Emitting Diodes
Dr. Hye Won Cho
-Undergraduate Research Assistant (2016.09 ~ 2017.02)
-B.S. at UNIST, Energy Conversion & Storage / Chemical Engineering (2012 ~ 2017)
-Combined Master’s-Doctoral Program (2017 ~ 2025.02)
-Research field: Polymer Solar Cells
Dr. Jiwoo Yeop
-Undergraduate Research Assistant (2017.03 ~ present)
-B.S. at UNIST, Energy Conversion & Storage / Chemical Engineering (2014 ~ 2018)
-Combined Master’s-Doctoral Program (2018 ~ 2025.02)
Professional Career
-Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Chemistry, Gyeongsang National University, Korea (2025.03 ~ present)
-Research field: Polymer Solar Cells
Mihee Heo
-B.S. at Pusan National University, Organic materials system engineering (2009)
-M.S. at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Energy conversion (2011)
Professional Career
-LG Electronics (2012.03 ~ present)
-Research field: Polymer solar cells
Haeyeon Kim
-Undergraduate Research Assistant (2013.11 ~ 2015.02)
-B.S. at UNIST, Nanochemical science / Energy Conversion & Storage (2011 ~ 2014)
-M.S at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Energy Conversion (2015.03 ~2017.02)
Professional Career
-DOW Chemical Company(2017.02 ~ present)
-Research field: Perovskite Solar Cells
Kang Taek Lee
-Undergraduate Research Assistant (2011.09 ~ 2014.02)
-B.S. at UNIST, Energy Conversion & Storage / Device Physics (2009 ~ 2013)
-Master’s Program (2014 ~ 2020)
-Ulsan Technopark (2021.08 ~ Present)
-Research field: Colloidal quantum dot solar cells, Nanoparticle Synthesis
Hyeon Seo Kim
-Undergraduate Research Assistant (2018.03 ~ 2018.12)
-B.S. at UNIST, Energy / Chemical Engineering (2011 ~ 2019)
-Master’s Program (2019 ~ 2020)
-LG Display(2021.03 ~ Present)
-Research field: Perovskite Light Emitting Diodes
Gayoung Kim
-B.S. at Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Chemical Materials Convergence Engineering (2015 ~ 2019)
-Master’s Program (2020 ~ 2022)
-KRICT, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (2022 ~ present)
-Research field: Material Synthesis of CNT Sensor
Chan Beom Park
-Undergraduate Research Assistant (2018.06 ~ 2018.08)
-B.S. at Kyungpook National University, Chemistry (2019)
-Master’s Program (2019 ~ 2023.02)
-KAIST, Doctoral Program (2023.03 ~ present)
-Research field: Perovskite Light Emitting Diodes
Jiwon Song
-B.S. at Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Applied Chemistry (2014 ~ 2020)
-Master’s Program (2021 ~ 2023.08)
-Researcher, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (2024.01 ~ Present)
-Research field: Perovskite Solar Cells
Hye Min Lee
-B.S. at University of Ulsan, Chemistry (2017 ~ 2021)
-Master’s Program (2021 ~ 2023)
-Research field: Materials Synthesis